You know the old saying "they grow up so fast" true. Seth just turned 4 months on the 2nd. Seems like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital (can't believe they let us), we were beyond sleep deprivation working thru his colic, and most of his newborn clothes were so big for him.
He's been making what we call owl sounds, starting to hold his head up more (still hates tummy time...and let's you know it), taking slightly longer naps than his usual 10min., and grabbing his feet. He's also starting to slowly warm up to the idea of bath time. And he's beginning to figure out different cries for angry, tired, hungry, and angry. Ah the angry one- he likes to throw his arms and legs straight out and ball his little fists.
So he had his 4month well baby check up today. He's 24 1/2 inches long, 12.1pds, drooling and chewing on a lot of stuff (even though doc says he's not teething). She suggested a few books for us to read to try to help with his lack of sleeping. Needless to say we went out and bought one. Ha ha.
In celebration, we went to the Evergreen Fair...that an to try to make him forget he just got stuck with needles for his needed immunizations. He seemed to really enjoy being outdoors and being in his long as you kept moving. We checked out all the livestock, watched the lumberjack show and pig race, and of course had to have a bite to eat. There was so much to choose from....even a booth that offered a bunch of fried foodies like twinkies, alligator, and such. We passed on that one and instead indulged at the Purple Cow (ice cream). mmmm.
There were plenty of painted board cutouts where you could stick your face into it and take a pic ie. aliens, family, baby chicks,etc....all too tall to try to put Seth into....but another time.
The day was so memorable....and as a finale- Seth slept for 6 hours that night. yeah!