If Seth were a superhero, what would his X-Power be? Hmmmm well that's easy...his Sonic Boom. Ladies and Gentleman cover your ears because this Little Man of ours has an ear piercing scream that will bring you to your knees. It reverberates off concrete, has the ability to stop everyone in their tracks, will make all conversation cease, will cause dogs to howl, and will make you forget what you were doing. Behold, I give you Sonic Boom Boy! The following activities are known irritants to Sonic Boom Boy and will cause him to release the fury: changing his diaper, putting him down for nap, any public place that involves shopping and has made him tired or hungry, and taking him away from any and all activities that he was enjoying - ie. putting dirt, rocks, grass,etc in mouth and trying to roll off the couch. We truly hope it is merely a phase. Whew!
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