Sunday, April 4, 2010


Seth and I attended his first Easter Day Service at church, our beloved Grace Lutheran in Des Moines. I had a pair of patent dress shoes and white dress shirt that was passed down to us. Unfortunately, the dress shoes were a bit too big so I winged it. And the closest "slacks" that fit his tiny little waist were a pair of brown plaid patterned ones. He looked so cute. I picked us a seat way up top on the balcony level in case he started to get fussy. It went pretty well...until about 3/4 of the way thru. At that point he decided to go check out the nearby stairs. I was already working up a sweat at this point having chased him down the aisles, constantly handing toys and paper to entertain him, and having my arms here and there so as to prevent him crawling off. Well....mommy was just awful because I stopped him from doing a nose dive down the stairwell. And for that? Yep, I got the scream he is becoming infamous for, the ear piercing one. It completely reverberated off the high ceilings, created a bit of shifting in the seats down below us, and I think the pastor actually lost his moment in thought. Sorry. I made sure to take a photo of Seth out front of the church prior to the service, in case it all went down hill. ha ha ha (see pic above). We survived. After all, what better place to be forgiven for our?! It didn't stop people from telling me what a beautiful child he is and such a gift of God. He truly is and Keith and I feel completely blessed to call him ours. The scream is merely a phase....right?!
Seth received a large plastic Easter Egg from Nana Judy that contained a plastic boat for the tub, a folding bunny book and a really cool fish kite. Nana Alice also got him a couple of books (one he is reading in photo). I made him a card that I put in his memory box.

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