Sunday, May 2, 2010

1st Birthday

Well our Little Man, Master Seth, turned One! People are not kidding when they tell you it all goes so fast. It only seems like last month when the doc was passing Seth over the Barrier Screen (for the cesarean) and I got to see that tiny little guy for the first time. He just seems to get cuter as the days go by.
I sent out homemade owl invites for Look Who is Turning One. We did a dual party for Seth and his buddy Oliver (born merely 3 days prior to Seth even though Seth was due a good week or so prior). Since it's their first birthday, I kept the decorations to a minumum- Kanae brought the balloons and I put up a Happy Birthday banner.
When it came time to blow out the candle, neither seemed to care. But when it came time to dig into the cake, Oliver was playing patty cake and slowing eating at his...while Seth just stared at it and eventually broke out crying. Everyone was clappping or laughing at what they boys were doing. Seth is not a fan of loud noise and I think that's when he lost it. Eventually I had to remove him from the highchair to calm him down. Hopefully next year he'll want to try the cake. The pic that we sent out to all our friends and family to announce that Seth had turned 1 was him crying at his cake (on another note: Safeway had made both boys a bright and I mean bright blue (stainable) baby block looking banana cake. I cannot believe they made it in such a brilliant blue color. We had to scrape the blue off, otherwise it would of stained everything it came into contact including teeth and clothes. Oh well, made it memorable)
We had a great turn out, in attendance were: Hank, Laurie, Deb, Don, Meg, Ed, Lindsey, Baby Anika, Ben, Jill, Jack, Ethan, Kanae, Shayne, Alice, and Alicia. He got so many wonderful gifts including the handmade rocking horse by Papa Hank.
Happy 1st Birthday Master Seth! Love Mom and Dad